TELC – The European Language Certificates

TELC – The European Language Certificates based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The TELC – language certificates are internationally recognized.

As a licensed TELC exam center, we offer TELC exams at the following levels:

Telc prüfung

The Telc – language certificate is primarily aimed at:

  • students who want to study in Germany and need this proof of their German language skills,
  • Students who must prove their proficiency in German in their home country,
  • scientists who are planning a stay at a university in Germany and want to check their language
  • all who must prove their proficiency in German occupations.

Other and more detailed information about the TELC language certificates are available on the website of the TELC GmbH.

In TELC exams four skills are differentiated. Here is a brief overview of the requirements for TELC exams, for which the SprachAcademy prepared.

Receptive Part:

In this part of the exam reading and listening comprehension are checked. Fill in the blank, as well as multiple choice questions are used.

Productive Part:

Oral and written expression are tested. For the oral part, the ability to express oneself will be recorded through computer technology or a tape recorder, as well as be analyzed without an examiner or conversation. In order to test  written expression, a text production is used which, for example, asks for an explanation of a diagram with curves in the foreground. In addition, it is often expected for participants to express their opinions on topics which often dispute the information shown in the diagram. All subject areas shall be similar to those in a German university and therefore be similar to experiences in a university setting.

TELC examination dates are available on request.

Fixed TELC exams 2020:                                Registration TELC – exams

German exam Telc  C1 university:            12.12.2020

German exam Telc  C1 türkce:                   27.03.2021

German exam Telc  B2:                               26.06.2021

German exam Telc  B2/C1 Medizin:         xx.xx.2021

German exam Telc B1·B2 Beruf:               xx.xx.2021

German exam Telc B1·B2 Pflege:              xx.xx.2021

German exam Telc DTZ:                             08.05.2021

German exam Telc DTZ:                            19.06.2021

German exam WiDaF- B2/C1:xxeeee e1exx.xx.2021

The application for enrollment will personally after full payment of the examination fee in our office.

Registration is binding, can not be canceled or transferred to another person. This is also not in appear on the exam day. The evaluation is carried out within three to four weeks.

Examination fees:

LevelExamFor our participantsFor external participants
A1Start Deutsch 1 / Telc Deutsch A1€ 125€ 135
A2Start Deutsch 2 / Telc Deutsch A2€ 125€ 135
A2/B1Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer A2/B1€ 140€ 150
B1Zertifikat Deutsch / Telc Deutsch B1€ 195 € 205
B1 / B2Telc Deutsch B1/B2 Pflege€ 215€ 225
B1 / B2Telc Deutsch B1/B2 Beruf€ 215€ 225
B2Telc Deutsch B2€ 195€ 205
B2 / C1Telc Deutsch B2/C1 Medizin€ 215€ 225
B2 / C1Telc Deutsch B2/C1 Medizin Fachsprachprüfung€ 520€ 650
B2 / C1WiDaF B2/C1€ 195€ 205
C1Telc Deutsch C1 / Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule€ 195€ 205
C1telc Türkisch C1€ 205€ 235
B2 / C1telc English B2/C1 Business€ 205€ 235
B2 / C1telc English B2/C1 University€ 205€ 235

Additional fees:

single meeting additionally
€ 180
single meeting additionally "B2·C1 Medizin Fachsprachprüfung"€ 250
Late registration fee€ 45
Express evaluation: 2 weeks after exam documents arrive in TELC-Centre€ 180
Rebooking (in addition to the already paid exams fee)€ 75
Sending the certificate (for Germany)€ 10
Sending the certificate (outside of Germany)dependent on the country