
A1 – Basic Course I

This course is for participants who very little can not yet or the German language, just right.
Here learn the language contenders basic knowledge and above all simple sentences that are useful in everyday life. Shopping, doctor visits, orientation in the city and easy communication with "yet" strangers. These are the first course units.

The entrance in the colloquial language as well as the formal communication succeeds afterwards easily. Our selected Textbooks perform according to the specifications of the European Framework of Reference in gentle progression educationally useful to the German language.
In Partner- und Kleingruppenarbeit lernen Sie schnell, einfache Sätze zu formulieren und miteinander zu kommunizieren. Durch das Interagieren fällt der sonst schwierige Einstieg in eine neue Sprache deutlich leichter.

With every lesson, you expand your vocabulary and gain an increasing understanding of the construction of German texts. At the end of this German course, students can sit a final exam in order to reflect on their learning and consolidate their progress. They also have the opportunity to take an internationally recognised telc A1 exam with us.


Netzwerk A1 (Klett Verlag)

Course duration

4 Weeks


80 hours of instruction

Course Fees

389,00 € + 35,00 € Books (once for the entire A1 level)

Course content

In beginner I, participants learn basic vocabulary and basic grammar. They learn how to ask basic information orally and through writing. The following language proficiencies will be practiced, among others:

- Asking for directions
- Giving directions
- Asking for and giving information
- Conversation about living and household
- Describing people and character
- Defining the size, shape and color of objects

Students learn to say what they want or do not want in everyday situations.

At the end of beginner 1, the participant should be able to speak and understand basic sentences.